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Doctor Aubrey
Nunes’s blog posts

“No child or case history should ever be personally identifiable in the real world”

The human instrument

In a wind instrument the variation is by the airflow and the length of the column of vibrating air. In speech, as well as adjusting…

Are Ape Gestures Similar to Human Words?

There is a perennial question: What do animals understand? In a new paper Cat Hobaiter and her colleagues ask: Are ape gestures like words? They…

Death of Raymond Briggs

The death of author and illustrator Raymond Briggs last Wednesday is a sad day for children’s literature. A bright light has gone out.

Thank you, NHS and Ambulance Service

In the last four years I have had three episodes of septicaemia. On two of these I passed out before getting to hospital. My wife…

First Biolinguistics Conference

I have just spent three days at a fascinating conference on biolinguistics, as the field now describes itself.

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