Ax, ex, ics, and ologiesA division into areas, with each one the subject of strenuous debate about its boundaries. LinguisticsThe attempt to study speech and language scientifically SemanticsThe meaning of words in phrases and sentences BiolinguisticsLinguistics as a branch of biology PragmaticsLanguage in circumstances SyntaxMaking meanings exact, and nonsense MorphologyBuilding words PhoneticsThe sounds of speech or 'phonemes' PhonologyThe organisation of the speech sounds as a system PhonotacticsCombining the speech sounds PsycholinguisticsLinguistics by numbers MetalinguisticsPairing sounds and meanings and recognising it GrammarUsed here to include syntax, morphology, phonetics, phonology, the phonotactics, and syllable structure. The architectureNot just words but where the words go. Loans / importsBy conquest, trade, culture, sport, entertainment, slavery, friendship. Lexicon / vocabularyWords with meanings Do you have an enquiry?Contact Me For a quick answer, more information would help.YesNo