The graphemes
Of written English – a quart in a pint pot
In written English there are about 500 relations between letters and sounds, known as ‘graphemes’, many with only one or two examples, some, like a, the, add and bury, in common words. The exact number of graphemes depends on how they are counted. The list here is my own. There are bound to be cases I have missed. If anyone finds such a case, I would be most grateful to know, and will correct the listing here accordingly and credit the informant. But the number is systematically understated by proponents of ‘Systematic Synthetic Phonics‘.
This doesn’t mean that there are no systematic relations between letters and the sounds they represent, as there is in dog, cat, mat, rug, log, leg, bit, sit, sip, lap, run, yet, wit, and so on. But there are only so many of these words. And with a and the falling outside this schema, it is impossible to write or tell a story or even describe a simple picture strictly within this schema. It is disingenuous to pretend that the relation in English graphemes is a simple one.
It is a significant task to learn to spell words correctly and recognise them easily, fast and accurately. To minimise the aggravation and pain, to maximise motivation and fun, and to get the job done as quickly as possible, it is well to be honest about the scope of the task. There is no logic in disingenuity.
There are variations both in how words are pronounced from one variety of English to another and in how they are spelt mainly between Britain and America. The listing here will not satisfy everyone. Hopefully, it is reasonably correct for most varieties of current London English.
Content words and ‘functors’
Some graphemes, like the E in me, he, she and we, only occur in ‘functors’, the words and parts of words which mainly express relations between different parts of the sentence or, as in these cases, refer only in the case of a particular speech act or written context.
Only functors have contracted forms like n’t for not, often changing the sound of the word next to them, as in can’t and don’t.
In content or lexical words, many graphemes only occur in particular positions in the syllable, like KN at the beginning in knot, like GUE at the end in plague, or like MM in the middle in hammer.
Sensitivity or awareness
Speech and speakers are sensitive to functor / lexical contrast in various ways. Stammers mainly occur on content words. Speech errors mainly relate different content words or different parts of content words to one another. And the natural processes of everyday speech are almost entirely specific to particular sorts of content words or functors. So the changing of the D of good into a B next to the M of morning in “Good morning” as GOOB MORNING is specific to the right and left edges within what are known as ‘noun phrases’. Unlike content words, functors contract, as in wouldn’t or wouldn’, change their vowel as in the in the elephant, add a consonant as an elephant, lose a consonant as in a pinta milk, and vary according to the preceding sound in the case of S.
English doubles consonants in four ways:
- At the ends of three words, egg, ebb and add;
- Where in the formation of Latin from a Roman dialect about 3,000 years ago, prefixes like ad, meaning to, became part of the stem with the D in this case assimilating to the first consonant of the stem, becoming N in announce, C in account, and so on;
- Where the negative marker, un, is used as a prefix before a word beginning with N, like necessary, forming unnecessary, pronounced with both instances of N (unlike innate from the Latin);
- After a short stressed vowel immediately before an unstressed vowel, as in follow, hammer, sorry, kettle, supple, dribble, giggle, where the doubled consonant is doing two jobs, ending one syllable, as what is known as the ‘coda’ and beginning another, as what is known as the ‘onset’.
The second and fourth of these have many thousands of exemplars, to be taught in any number of ways.
H on its own and in affricates, digraphs, and Wh
H is used in four main ways:
- As a ‘sound’ on its own, a moment of friction before a following vowel, realised by the positioning of the tongue without any voicing (by the vocal cords), effectively a voiceless vowel;
- As the second element in the digraphs TH and SH, related closely to T and S, but single voiceless fricatives like F;
- As the final element in the voiceless affricate in chew, church and itch;
- As the second element in Wh unpronounced in what, where, when, whether, which, and pronounced at the expense of W in who, and in lexical white, whisper, whale.
The voiced affricate is written as J in joy and raj and GE in George.
The voiced congener of SH never occurs at the beginning of the word, and only in loan words, as Z in azure and GE in beige.
The International Phonetic Alphabet
In the late 19th century, scholars from France, Germany and England got together to devise what became the supposedly Interational Phonetic Alphabet or IPA (not really international with different styles in Europe and Norh America). All native speakers of prestigious varieties of their respective languages, the original proponents of the IPA decided to base it on points of commoality like p, b, t, d, m, n. They thus turned their backs on the more radical ‘Visible Speech’ developed 30 years earlier by the Scot, Alexander Melville Bell. In the aftermath of war with Russia, Bell’s original motivation was international peace. 30 years later, war was looming again. Britain, Belgium, France and Germany, all had colonies in Africa. Britain had the largest share. The other powers all wanted to enlarge their respective shares. The only uncertainty was who would side with who. The founders of the IPA were very aware of these undercurrents, all wanting their own language to become the IPA standard. In the end they settled on a compromise. The English variety which the IPA inventors assumed as a standard of English was what later came to be known in Britain as ‘Received Pronunciation’ or RP.
The English short vowel problem
For English, a logically insoluble problem arises with respect the six short vowels in RP hip, hen, hut, hut, hot, and put, with only five single letters to express them. There is no non-arbitrary way of expressing the contrast between the vowels in hut and put without going beyond the one letter schema, as in foot. This confounds the distinction between the vowels in foot and food. For the IPA, the historic U grapheme in put was adapted as a standard and an entirely new grapheme was invented for the vowel in RP hut – an upside down V.
The special cases – the functors
The forms listed here include some of the commonest words and parts of words of English, generally unstressed, other than in special cases of contrastive stress.
the (the), a (an) – Articles, or in modern theories, ‘determiners’ – uniquely varying according to whether the next sound is a vowel.
– S As a marker of the third person singular in verbs and of the plural in nouns and names, pronounced as S where the preceding sound is voiceless, as in pats, as Z where the preceding sound is voiced, as in pads, and as IZ where the preceding sound or part of a sound is S, SH, CH or J, as in passes, bashes, patches, or badges.
who , where, what, which, when, why, whether, how – Question words, always at the beginning of a clause or sentence in English when the force is truly to elicit information.
whoever, wherever, whatever, whichever, whenever, whyever, however – All derived from question words.
here, there – Fitting into English in a number of different ways,
I, you, he, she, we, they – Personal pronouns used as the subjects of sentences or in the ‘nominative’ case, all with long vowels, and in the cases of I, he, she, and we, represented by a single vowel letter, otherwise not used in this way in English.
me, him, us, them – Personal pronouns used as the objects of sentences or in the ‘accusativc’ case.
my, your, his, her, our, their, its – Personal pronouns used as possessives or in the ‘genitivc’ case.
myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself – Either as reflexives or intenmsifiers – singular forms.
ourselves, yourselves, themselves – Either as reflexives or intenmsifiers – plural forms.
somebody, everybody, anybody, nobody
someone, everyone, anyone, no one
be, is, are, was, were, been, being – The most irregular verb in English with four forms by suppletion.
do, does, did, done, doing – With the vowel changing in two forms.
go, goes, went, gone, going – With the past tense by suppletion, in went
have, has, had, having – With minor irregularity in two cases.
ought – Modal (orignally past tense of owe)
will, shall – Regular in their root forms. I’ll, you’ll, he’ll. she’ll. it’ll, we’ll, they’ll – Regular uses of a contracted form with just a bare consonant.
I’ve, you’ve, we’ve, they’ve – Regular uses of a contracted form of have, with just a V sound
he’s, she’s, it’s – Regular uses of contracted third person singular is with just a bare S or Z sound, varying according to whether the preceding element is ‘voiced’, as necessarily where this is the vowel EE, or ‘unvoiced’, as by the consonant, T.
we’re, you’re. they’re – Regular uses of contracted third person plural are with just a bare R pronounced mostly as schwa
I’d, you’d, we’d, they’d – Regular uses of contracted would or had with just a bare D
couldn’t, wouldn’t, shouldn’t, mustn’t, (oughtn’t) – The last marginal – Regular uses of a form with just two bare consonants.
ain’t, can’t, don’t, won’t, shan’t – Regular uses of a form with just two bare consonants changing the vowel of the stem.
each, any, many, some, all – Quantifiers.
each 0ther – Anaphor
of – As in “A pound of butter”, where clearly there is no sense of possession, where the relation is just grammatical
than – in Comparative expressions like “better than me”
that, that – Traditionally known as ‘demonstrative pronouns’
for, that, if – Invariably unstressed onjunctions as in “For you to go would be nice” or “It would be nice if you went” or “I see that you went”. If has a single F letter unlike the lexical words whiff, sniff.
as– In “As keen as mustard”
Word building – ‘morphology’
Many forms used in numerous ways like –er in slipper, rugger, painter, heater
The morphology is traditionally divided into inflectional forms like the S in paints, some irregular like best and worse and derivational forms like the –er in painter, many reflecting the history of the language with loans from many other languages.
-S, -ES – In endings or ‘suffixes’ denoting plurality in nouns or the third person in verbs, where an E is added after S, SH, CH, or J and the CS varies with Z, according to whether the last element is voiceless, with S. as in pats, or voiced with Z, in pads, or with IZ or EZ (according to the variety of English) in passes, buzzes, bashes, patches or badges.
-ED – In painted, pained, with the voicing varying between T and D according to the preceding sound, and an E inserted where the previous sound is T or D, but formerly an E inserted in other cases as in modern wicked and wretched.
–ING – In what is commonly called a participle, with no exceptions, being, doing, painting
–ISE – In verbs – organise
–ARY – In adjectives, stationary
–IVE – In adjectives – restive
–IBLE – In adjectives – possible
–LESS – In adjectives– fearless, heartless
–ABLE – In adjectives – probable, doable, likable
–AL – In adjectives – musical, criminal
-OUS – In adjectives – dangerous
–SOME – In adjectives – awesome
–LY – In adjectives – lovely, ghostly
–FUL. – In adjectives – aweful, beautjful
–FULLY – In adverbs – awefully, beautjfully
–ER – In ‘comparative’ forms – better, harder, cleverer
–EST – In ‘superlative’ forms – unstressed as a suffix (not in best) – hardest, cleverest
–IFY – In verbs –beautify
–NESS – In nouns – cleverness
–OR – In nouns – actor, author
–ERY – In nouns – stationery
–ITY – In nouns – sanity
–IST – In nouns – centrist
–ISM – In nouns – conservatism
–AC – In nouns – maniac
–OLOGY – In nouns – psychology
–IC – In nouns and adjectives – electric, comic
–IUM – medium (singular) media (plural)
–ION – criterion (singular) criteria (plural)
UN – unwilling
NON – non-urgent
IN – unhospitable
ANTI – anticlockwise
COUNTER – counter-clockwise
Content (lexical) words
Short vowels
I – bit
Y – funny, physics
EY – honey
U – busy
A – menace
UI – build
E – creation, bullet, recipe, enough, courteous
EI – foreign
E – end
IE – friend
EI – leisure
U – bury
EA – head, measure
A – ate, Thames
AI – said
EO – Geoffrey
A – am
O – odd
OU – cough
A – want
U – under
O – son, Monday, one, done, money, worry
OO – blood
OU – couple, tough, rough
OO (short)
OO – foot, good, hood
U – put
OUL – could
ER (‘Schwa’)
ER – letter
OR – actor
A – hangar, general, agenda
UR – Saturday
URE – treasure, measure
YR – martyr
YR – rigour
RE – theatre, metre
E(N) – mitten
O(N) – mutton
–(L)E – little
E – model
I – gerbil
O – bottom, pilot, chameleon, octogenarian
A – pirate, modal
U – awful, genius
OU(S) – glorious, enormous
AI – villain
OUGH – borough
AH – cheatah
–(SM) – prism, chasm, catechism
Long vowels
E – he, she, we
EE – eel, fee, lee
EA – eat
E(CE) – scene, scheme, complete, these
(C)EI – conceive
IE – field
EY – key
AY – quay
I – ski
IT – esprit
EO – people
OE – amoeba
AE – paediatrics, aeon
AR – arm, farm, harm, far
A – father
EAR – heart
AL – halve,
AA(R) – bazaar
A(RRE) – bizarre
A(RRH) – catarrh
AH – blah
OR – or, fort, tort
OOR – door, floor
AR – war
OAR – oar, boar
OUR – mourn, bourne (from Celtic vestige in Bournemouth)
ORE – more, shore, sore
OR(NE) – borne
AW – saw
ALL – all, ball, call, tall
ALK – walk, talk
AU – haul
OUGH(T) – ought, fought, wrought, bought
AUGH(T) – taught
AW(E) – awe
OO (long)
OO – food, voodoo, gobbledigook
OU – you
O – who, do
WO – two
U(CE) – rude, ruse
OUGH – through
U – flu, gnu
UI(CE) – juice, sluice
OE – canoe
U(CE) – tune, puke, duke, duty
EW – new, few, dew
EWE – ewe
EAU – beautiful
EUE – queue
UGH – Hugh
U(GN) – impugn
EU – Zeus
UE – sue, revenue
I ( C E) – ice, mine, bite, mime, pike, write (before single consonant and E)
I ( C Y) – icy, dicy (before single C and Y)
IE – die, pie, tie
YE. – rye
I – Simon, Jedi
I (LD) – child, wild
I (ND) – find, mind, bind, blind, wind
Y – fly, sly, try, cry, pry, shy (after L or R in cluster or SH)
I(DLE) – idle
IGH – high, slight,
I(GN) – sign
EIGH – height
EI – either
Y(KE) – dyke
UY – buy, guy
I(SLE) – isle
I(S) – island
AI(SLE) – aisle
AI – Menai
AY – MacKay
EYE – eye
EYE – name, fame, dame, rate, gate, crane
EYE – aim, rain, drain, bait
EYE – say, day, pay, lay
EYE – lazy, hazy
EA – great
AE – sundae
AIGH(T) – straight
EIGH(T) – eight, weight
EY – grey, survey
AO(L) – gaol
AU(GE) – gauge
EY – duvet
´E – café
EY – toe, doe, roe
O – no, so
OA – boat, float
OW – know, row, bow
OU – soul
OUGH – though
OT – depot
EAU – chateau, eau de Cologne
OWE – owe
OH – oh
OU – out
OW – now
OUGH – plough
OI – oil, join, boil
OY – boy, toy, coy
UOY – buoy
ER – her
ERR – err
UR – hurt, urge
URR – purr, burr
IR – sir, fir, dirge
OR – worse, worst
OUR – scourge
EAR – earn, learn
OL – colonel
B – bee, job, habit
BB – ebb (in the coda)
BB – rabbit, hobby, jabber (ambisyllabic – in the coda of one syllable and the onset of the next)
BB – abbreviation (with historic prefix)
D – die, red, body
DD – add (in the coda)
DD – addendum (with the coda of a historic prefix)
DD – eddy, adder, rudder (ambisyllabic – in the coda of one syllable and the onset of the next)
G – get, gorilla, leg, sugar
GG – egg (in the coda)
GG – lugger, rugger (ambisyllabic – in the coda of one syllable and the onset of the next)
GG – aggravation (with historic prefix)
GU – guess, guerilla
GUE – rogue
GH – spaghetti, dinghy
P – pit, tip, copy
PP – happy (ambisyllabic – in the coda of one syllable and the onset of the next)
PP – apply, application, appoint (with historic prefix)
T – toe, hat, pity
TT – putt (in the coda)
TT – otter (ambisyllabic – in the coda of one syllable and the onset of the next)
TT – attribute, attend (with historic prefix)
TH – Thomas
BT – debt, subtle
PT – ptarmigan, receipt,
CT – endict
CHT – yacht
K – kettle, sky, junket, kangaroo, look, kayak
C – cat, scare, acorn, treacle, icicle, comic, mic, chocolate,
CK – lick, bullock (in the coda)
CK – tickle, rocket, lucky (ambisyllabic – in the coda of one syllable and the onset of the next)
CC – account, accommodate (with the codas of historic prefixes)
CC – tobacco (ambisyllabic – in the coda of one syllable and the onset of the next)
CH – character, school, chamelion, orchid, schizophrenia. monarch
QU – quiche, quay
CHT – cheque, antique, appliqué
CH – chew, touch, touchy
TCH – catch, catchy
C – ciao,
CZ – Czech
CC – Gucci
J – John, jew, Jerusalem, Raj
DG(E) – badge, badger
DJ – adjust, adjective
GE – George, Geoffrey, age, strange, vegetable,
GI – gin, gestate, Reginald
V – van, river
VE – give
VV(Y) – skivvy (ambisyllabic – in the coda of one syllable and the onset of the next)
F – of
Z – zoo
ZZ – jazz (in the coda)
ZZ – buzzer (ambisyllabic – in the coda of one syllable and the onset of the next)
ZE – size, blaze
SE – please
S – peas
S – easy, business, prism (before voiced segment, I, N, M)
CZ – czar
X – xylophone
GE – rouge, largesse
S(URE) – treasure, measure, leisure
Z(URE) – seizure
J – jeté
S(UAL) – casualty
ZH – Zhukov
F – fair, roof, if
F(E) – safe, chafe, life
FF – whiff (in the coda)
FF – toffee, coffee (ambisyllabic – in the coda of one syllable and the onset of the next)
F(T) – often
GH – laugh, tough, rough
PH – photograph, Ralph, zephyr
S – sock, bus, Paris
SS – mess, fuss, pass (in the coda)
SS – assume, assortment (with historic prefix)
SS – missile, fossil. (ambisyllabic – in the coda of one syllable and the onset of the next)
S(TLE) – rustle, bustle, thistle, castle
C – ceiling, democracy (before I or EE vowel)
(C)C – accept
C(E) – face, race, nice, neice
S(E) – house
S(T) – listen
SC – science
SCH – schism
SW – sword
PS – psalm
Ç. – façade
SH – shop, rush, cushion
SS – mission. (ambisyllabic – in the coda of one syllable and the onset of the next)
SCH – schedule
CH – chassis
CH (E) – cache
CH(I) – machine
SH – vicious
TI – essential, ratio
C (E) – sluice
TH – think, three, bath, pithy, smithy
TH – feather, bothy (ambisyllabic – in the coda of one syllable and the onset of the next)
TH – bathe
H – hat, hotel
WH – who, whole
M – man, ham
MM – hammer (ambisyllabic – in the coda of one syllable and the onset of the next)
MM – accommodate, committee (with historic prefixes)
MN – damn
MB – climb
MM – immediate, Emmanuel (before stressed syllable)
(CH) M – drachm
(G) M – phlegm
(IS) M – prism
N – nine, den, honey
NN – innate, innoculate (with a historic prefix)
NN – Finn (in the coda)
NN – funnel, tunnel. dinner, tenner (ambisyllabic – in the coda of one syllable and the onset of the next)
KN – know (in the onset)
GN – gnat, foreign, reign
PN – pneumatic
MN – mnemonic
NG – wing (in the coda)
NG – finger (N in the coda, G in the onset)
NK – plank (in the coda)
NK – monkey (N in the coda, K in the onset)
NN – unnatural (first N in the coda of negative morphemes,e, second N in the onset of the first sullable of the root)
NN – announce, annunciation (with historic prefix)
L – lip, elbow, although, awful, polymath (in the coda)
L – feel, foil, file, foal, howl, fail, fuel (in the coda)
LL – fill, bull, pull (in the coda)
LL – all, allow, kill, fully (ambisyllabic – in the coda of one syllable and the onset of the next)
LL – alliteration, illiterate (with historic prefixes)
R – ray, scary
RR – arrow (ambisyllabic – in the coda of one syllable and the onset of the next)
WR – wrong (in the onset)
RH – rhythm (in the onset)
RTH – diarrhoea, haemorrhage (in the onset)
Semi-vowels – glides
W – wet (in the onset)
WH – white, whisper, whale (in the onset)
Y – yell, you (in the onset)
Vowel consonant combinations
With R
ARE – share (in the rime)
AYER – prayer (in the rime)
AYOR – mayor (in the rime)
EAR – wear, tear, bear (in the rime)
AIR – air (in the rime)
AER – aeroplane (in the rime of one syllable with the R in the onset of the next)
EAR – ear, tear, fear (in the rime)
EAR – weary (in the rime of one syllable with the R in the onset of the next)
OOR – poor (in the rime)
UER – truer (in the rime)
IRE – fire, dire, mire (in the rime)
YRE – tyre (in the rime)
OIR – coir (in the rime)
OUR – our, hour (in the rime)
OWER – cower, bower (in the rime)
OWER – lower (in the rime)
Other vowel consonant combinations
X – exam (G in the coda of one syllable, Z in the onset of the next)
X – ox, cox, fox, mix (in the coda)
XE – axe (in the coda)
XC – exciting, excellent (K in the coda of one syllable, S in the onset of the next)
CC – accept (K in the coda of one syllable, S in the onset of the next)
QU – quick, queen, quiet (in the onset)
GW – Gwendolyn (in the onset)
GU – iguana (in the onset)
DU – due (in the onset)
DEW – dew (in the onset)
TU – tune (in the onset)
TEW – Tewkesbury (in the onset)
QU(E)U – queue (in the onset)
CU(CE) – cue, cufe (in the onset)
One unstressed syllable
TION – station, nation, ration, completion, revolution (after the stressed vowel)